Author: Jamie Snape


The future of the South Hams…community or resort?

The South Hams in Devon is undoubtedly a very special place to live. I feel so incredibly lucky to have called it my home now for the last seven years, and indeed to be raising my family here. Recently though,...

NHS privatisation - Save the NHS 4

Saving the NHS from privatisation

There is a great deal about the United Kingdom that as a nation we can be exceptionally proud of. Our culture, music, sports, industry, politics and arts have for a long time influenced people throughout the world. For me though, our...


A man’s guide to childbirth

Search the internet about labour, and you’re rightly going to find lots of incredibly helpful information and advice for women, from other mums and health professionals about what mums to be should expect when in labour and about childbirth. But...


NHS heroes

Exactly one year ago today, late into the night, I rushed our not yet one year old baby William to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. Not for the first time in his life, he was struggling to breath and required hospitalisation...